St. Paul's Prayer Shawls
Fall donation and blessing date set:
Our Spring Blessing will be Sunday, May 8th, please call the church office for more information.
The members of St. Paul’s Prayer Shawl Ministry, led by Lynn Cross, have been donating their time and talents since 2006 by knitting or crocheting hundreds of beautiful prayer shawls. The shawls are collected twice a year and blessed during a Sunday Service in the spring and fall. Then they are donated to various locations around the county
We also receive wonderful donations from the community, and anyone may request a shawl or lap blanket anytime as we also keep a few on hand to donate to our parish family, friends, and community as needed.
Please contact the parish office at 753-2172 for more details.
A donation of prayer shawls was made in the Spring of 2019 to Chautauqua Hospice and Palliative Care. And the donation was greatly appreciated as their goal is for each patient to receive a shawl or a lap blanket.
In the Fall of 2019 the donation of shawls, and for the first time lap blankets, went to the Cardiac Rehab Center at Westfield Memorial Hospital. They were very appreciative of our donation.